First Semester in Review

Hello! I am happy to report that I have completed my first semester of college.

There have been good days and bad, ups and downs, but I made it through!

What is different about college?

Well, a lot!

-In high school, my classes, library, cafeteria, were in one building, but in college, I needed to adapt to walking to my classes, dining halls, campus center, libraries, etc. regardless of weather

-Classes are shorter in college. Furthermore, I had a lot more free time, so I needed to learn how to handle all of this time competently to do homework, etc.

-Living with someone, and living in a building with many, many students is a different experience!

-As expected, there is more homework, readings, writing essays, all of that! However, I have enjoyed the challenge and learning SO much new knowledge!

I look forward to learning more next semester!

Thank you for stopping by. Happy New Year!



How to Prepare and Study for Finals

Hello! As a first-year student, this is a question I have been considering a lot. What is the most effective way to prepare and study for finals? I suppose it depends on the final. Is the final a take-home paper, or is the final an exam?

For me, I have a combination of the two. So how will I go about each?

Final: Take home paper

  1. Well, first, I completed any other assignments that had to be done by the last day of the semester.
  2. However, I began outlining my thoughts in advance.
  3. Then, I just began (and am in the process of) writing the papers, following the prompts assigned.
  4. Lastly, after I have written the paper, I will go back and edit, edit, and edit!

Final: Exams

  1. I began by considering all the material I have learned throughout the semester.
  2. Then, I went through my notes (and still am doing this), deciding what information I have a good grasp on, what I think I know, and then what I need to study more to understand fully.
  3. I will then rewrite my notes, using colored pens, highlighters, etc. (colors make everything better!) each day as my study tool.

I hope these tips help. Good luck with finals! Happy Holidays.

Thanks for stopping by.

